• What is the difference between the Digital package and Tangible package?

    The tangible package includes a printed Companion Guide book and kinesthetic materials for each session activity and a "Daily BECOMING" notebook sent to you in the mail. The tangible materials provide a more multi-sensory experience that has been thoughtfully and intentionally packaged for your convenience. You can see pictures of the concrete materials in the Academy Store. The digital package includes printable pdf files of the Companion Guide and the materials. International participants will be digital-only, considering the time and expense to send packets in this season. We recommend that digital-only participants gather the needed materials at home to recreate the sensory experience that the tangible materials provide. For participants in the US, a package can be purchased at any time through the Academy store.

  • Do I need to watch these videos in order?

    Yes, the tools build on one another and are taught in a specific order. The intended order is REMEMBER, BELIEVE, ASK, TRUST, REDEEM, IMAGINE, STAND, PRAISE, and the final session entitled: INTEGRATE.

  • Is there a time limit to complete the course?

    The BECOMING Transformed Course is designed to be completed in 9 weeks or less. However, once the course is purchased, it is available for a maximum of 12 weeks to give participants an extra four-week grace period in consideration of receiving any tangible materials purchased and knowing life circumstances can get in the way.

  • After I enroll, how do I begin the course?

    The system is designed for you can get started right away, immediately after check out. Simply enter your username and password that you chose at registration, and it will be clear from there!

  • When will new courses come available?

    Our next 6-week course, covering the final four tools of BECOMING: CREATE, ASSEMBLE, ANOINT and ABIDE, will be available in April 2021. We will be sure to notify Academy participants via email.

  • I haven’t received my materials in the mail. What do I do?

    The mail has been slower due to COVID-19. Please contact us at [email protected] to let us know. In the meantime, you can get started in the program with the first session and follow the "Digital Only" instructions until your packet arrives.

  • Who is this study for?

    This BECOMING course first began with Kerry teaching these 12 Biblical principles and practices to women in small group Bible studies. She discovered that these faith practices helped her overcome personal trials, relational challenges, and insufficiency in endeavors. Since 2014, Kerry has been teaching BECOMING retreats, primarily to Christian women, both domestically and internationally. But soon, husbands began to see how these practical tools were benefitting their marriages, and when learned and applied to their own needs and endeavors. As a result, Kerry and her husband Scott began hosting private marriage retreats and mentoring more couples. They have found that learning the first eight tools from the BECOMING transformed course makes these interactions exponentially more productive and beneficial. Realigning their souls with God's truth by using these practices in the context of their pain and needs before tackling their relational challenges often has the effect of minimizing the shame and blame that couples bring to these interactions. Kerry and Scott use these principles continually in parenting. Kerry's introduced a pilot "TEENS BECOMING" component in 2020 facilitated in partnership with her teen children. You will find a sample testimony from our teens found in the course showing how BECOMING works with children and within parenting. Teens BECOMING will be part of the Academy at some point soon, though many teens have gone through the course as it is currently set up. Although most past participants have been women, and there is a slight orientation toward women, it is certainly not limited to women. If you find yourself feeling stuck, confused, or trying to make sense of some of the broken parts of your story, then we encourage you to take this course and experience the presence of God healing and empowering those needy places.

  • Can I try a Session before I purchase the course?

    We have put together a 12-minute sample video of clips to give you a sense of the course's concepts. The sample video, found at the top of any one of the course landing pages, is meant to help you know if it is time to dive deeper into exploring your own story in God using 12 BECOMING practices of faith.

  • Does this study come from a specific church denomination?

    This course isn't specific to any church denomination, and its curriculum is consistent with the truths of Biblical scripture. After graduating magna cum laude from Bucknell University, with dual degrees in Russian and International Relations, Kerry moved to Russia to serve as an interpreter for several Christian mission churches sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and caring for those in need. While in Russia, Kerry began ministering to orphans and street children, which proved to be a formidable call on her life for years to come. After returning from Russia, Kerry attended two years of Bible classes at Calvary Chapel Bible College, taught English and World History at Calvary Chapel High School, and spent time helping families adopt before being called to Capitol Hill as a "voice for the voiceless and defender of orphans." Kerry worked as the Fellow for the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, comprised of 170 bi-partisan and bicameral Members of the United States Congress. She later became the founding executive director of its sister nonprofit organization, CCAI. Kerry is passionate about studying God's Word and sharing it for the sake of soul healing, caring for the poor and needy, and seeing human endeavors bring glory to God. She and her husband Scott have served in church and parachurch leadership for over 20 years, and in that time, attended several different Christian churches in the places God called them. The BECOMING curriculum comes out of a great deal of Biblical study and by way of many global and varietal lived-experiences in God. The curriculum has been tested and tried by Christian teachers and leaders who have participated in the BECOMING marriage retreats and courses.